Typology of Cattle Maintenance System in Sangbintang Area, Bolaang Mongondow North Regency


Saeroji , Zaenal Fanani , M. Nur Ihsan , Bambang Ali Nugroho ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 69-75 | Views: 679 | Downloads: 272 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3519709

Volume 3 - October 2019 (10)


This study aims to identify the characteristics of beef cattle breeders and the typology of beef cattle breeding systems in the Sangbintang area of ​​North Bolaang Mongondow Regency, conducted from January to June 2018. This study uses a survey method with data analysis, namely: Quantitative descriptive to identify the characteristics of beef cattle breeders and typology of beef cattle rearing systems in the Sangbintang area of ​​North Bolaang Mongondow Regency, through data tabulation. The results showed that characteristics of breeders in the Sangbintang area in general are: low educated (elementary level), average productive age is 15-65 years, the number of dependents of families is moderate, namely 3-4 people, the experience of raising beef cattle is quite long namely 6-10 years. While the typology of beef cattle rearing systems consists of 5 (five), namely: 1) the system of moving care/extensive (67.39%), 2) the cage system, sleeping / intensive (11.96%), 3). Cage, loose, semi-intensive (10.87%) system, 4) loose/semi-intensive (4.38%) cage system, and traditional, feed/traditional (5.43%) system. From the aspect of typology, this maintenance system illustrates that most are still traditional and extensive; this affects the development of cattle population and body weight in the period of rearing


beef cattle, characteristics, maintenance typology, sangbintang region


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