Solubility Profile and Effects of pH-NaCl on the Emulsifying and Foaming Properties of Sandbox (Hura crepitan) Protein Concentrate and Isolate


Solana, O.I. , Gbadamosi, S.O. , Uthman-Akinhanmi, Y.O. , Yangomodou, O.D. , Olugbemi, M.T. , Ige, M.M ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 76-85 | Views: 715 | Downloads: 220 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613535

Volume 3 - December 2019 (12)


This paper studied the effect of pH on protein solubility as well as effects of pH and NaCl between pH 2–10 and NaCl concentration of 0.0–1.0 M; respectively on the emulsifying and foaming properties of sandbox seed protein concentrate and isolate prepared; by soaking, cooking, fermenting, defatting, solubilizing and freeze drying analyzed using standard experimental procedures. The protein solubility of sandbox seed protein isolate was most soluble at pH10 (57.63%) and its concentrate was 64.68% at same pH, while at its isoelectric points (pH4) yielded 23.37% and 23.47% for the isolate and concentrate; respectively. The pH-emulsifying property profile of the proteins followed the trends of its pH-solubility profile and salt concentrations between 0.5 M and 1.0 M significantly (P<0.05) decreased the emulsifying property. However, foaming properties of the samples yielded good volumes as salt concentration increased from 0.0 - 0.5 M NaCl, and decreased at 1.0 M NaCl concentration


Functional properties, pH, Protein isolate, Protein solubility, Salt concentration


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