Nutritional Value Evaluation of Banana Skin goroho (Moses acuminafe, sp) As Animal Feed by Fermentation With oligosporus Rhizopus and Trichoderma viride


Sri Suryaningsih Djunu , Siti Chuzaemi , Irfan H. Djunaidi , M. Halim Natsir ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 07-14 | Views: 1046 | Downloads: 353 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3710757

Volume 4 - February 2020 (02)


The study aims to determine the effect of fermentation using Rhizopus oligosphorus and Trichoderma viride on banana peel Goroho nutritional quality. The research material is the feed material Goroho banana peel, the inoculum fermentation Rhizopus oligosphorus  and Trichoderma viride, A set of tools and materials for fermentation, a set of tools and materials proximate analysis, energy analysis and analysis gross β-carotene. The research method experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments 4 replications. The treatment consisted of P0: Banana skin Goroho without fermentation, P1: Rhizopus fermented banana skin Goroho oligosphorus 0.3%, 48-hour incubation, P2: The banana peel fermented GorohoTrichoderma viride 0.3% 120 hours of incubation, P3: Rhizopus fermented banana skin Goroho 0.15% oligosphorus further 48 hours incubation fermentation Trichoderma viride0.15% 120 hours of incubation, P4: Banana skin fermented Goroho Trichoderma viride 0.15% 120 hours of further incubation fermentation Rhizopus oligosphorus0.15% 48-hour incubation and P5: Rhizopus fermented banana skin Goroho oligosphorus 0.15% + Trichoderma viride0.15% 120 hours of incubation. The results showed Goroho fermented banana skinRhizopus oligosphorus and Trichoderma viride were significantly (P <0.01) in the best increase the content of BK amount of: 2.65% from 89.38 into 91.75% (P5), PK: 66.76%, from 6.47 be 10.79 (P5 ), LK: 107.62%, from 4.72 into 9.80% (P5), BETN: 3.28%, from 55.75 into 57.58% (P1), GE: 2.96% from 5290 increase to 5447 kcal / kg (P5), improve or degrade SK: 28.22% from 17.29 to 12.41% (P5) and not significant (P> 0.05) reduce the content of beta-carotene at 21.31 % ie from 0.61 to 0.48% at (P3).


Banana skin Goroho, fermentation, Rhizopus and Trichoderma viride oligosphorus.


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