Potential Antifungal Compound from Gliricidia Maculate Leaf Extract Against Phatogenic Fungi (Colletothricum capsici, Fusarium oxysporum and Cercospora capsici) on Chili Pepper


Ifan Aulia Candra , syahbudin Hasibuan , Yogi Pranata , Maimunah ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 111-117 | Views: 677 | Downloads: 232 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3710789

Volume 4 - February 2020 (02)


The reduction of Chili production has been witnessed over the decades due to pytopathogenic fungi infection. Most of the infection was affected by Colletothricum capsici, Fusarium oxysporum and Cercospora capsici. Leaf extract of Gliricidia maculate contains active compound promising for altering synthetic fungicide. The secondary metabolite extracted from Gliricidia maculate Leaf suspected to be potential for bio fungicide.  The aim of study was to investigate antifungal activity of Gliricidia maculate leaf extract for pathogenic fungal. Active compound was measured following Non Factorial Complete Random Design under various concentrations (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100%) with 3 replications. the suppression process was observed from 20% of leaf extract against Colletothricum capsici, Fusarium oxysporum and Cercospora capsici with the inhibitory percentage of 82.49% against Colletothricum capsici while 40% of leaf extract for 84.67% and 87.73% against Fusarium oxysporum and Cercospora capsici respectively. The concentration of 20% gamal leaf extract and 40% of the inhibition of each fungus was equivalent to the Benlox 50 WP synthetic fungicide. Gliricidia maculate Leaf extract showed the suppression activity toward pathogenic fungi infection in Chilli pepper.


Leaf extract, Secondary metabolites, Suppression activity, Bio-fungicide


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