Agricultural personnel and Job Satisfaction: A case study of Block Extension Agents in Ondo and Ekiti States of Nigeria.


Wole-Alo Felicia Itunnu , Fasina Oluwatosin Oluwasegun ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 143-154 | Views: 416 | Downloads: 136 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3986630

Volume 4 - April 2020 (04)


The study assessed job satisfaction among female agricultural extension agents in Ondo and Ekiti States. The study described the socio-economic characteristics of the female agricultural extension workers and their level of job satisfaction, their attitudes towards their job and the perceived factors influencing their job satisfaction. A total number of thirty-five respondents were interviewed and information was collected with the aid of well-structured questionnaire while data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression. The result revealed that majority of the female agricultural extension workers slightly agree to their level of job satisfaction with the grand mean score of 3.63. The result also showed that majority of the female agricultural extension workers strongly agree with the attitude towards their job with the grand mean of 3.44. The result also revealed that regular payment of allowances, level of education, official status and promotion determine to a reasonable extent the level of job satisfaction and showed that majority of female extension workers often perform their role and responsibility


Job, satisfaction, female, Ondo and Ekiti states


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