Molecular and Genotoxicity Effect of Certain aqueous Plant Extracts in Helminthosporium Rostratum As a Phytopathogenic Fungi


Fatimah Alotibi , Eman Ashour , Rafa S. Almeer , Ekram A. Mohamed ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 47-65 | Views: 771 | Downloads: 211 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3986607

Volume 4 - April 2020 (04)


The development of natural antifungal treatments by plant extracts is of great importance because of their safe effects on both the human and animal health, besides their antifungal effects against different Phytopathogenic Fungi. The current study aimed to explore the molecular and genotoxicity effect of two aqueous extracts from wild plants Rumex vesicarius L. and Ziziphus spina-christi aqueous extracts on the leaf spots fungi, Helminthosporium rostratum. The fungal strain was treated with 25 mg/ml of each extract then the alteration in both of the amino acids and DNA of the fungus was assessed by different experiments including, Proteomic analysis by SDS-Page, the total amino acids analysis by the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), DNA profiles analysis by Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and COMET assay. The results showed that 25 unique bands were produced by the plant's extracts, despite, Ziziphus extract have more effective than Rumex. Besides, the treatments decreased the total amino acid contents dried biomass of H. rostratum. Plant Extracts affects the DNA composition wherein RFLP, Cla I restriction enzyme could produce 100% polymorphic bands post-treatment, in RAPD, seven polymorphic unique bands were obtained with P-12 primer, and finally, COMET assay showed an observed tailed DNA in the treated fungal nuclei. We concluded that both of the two plants aqueous extracts could induce successful changes in the amino acid composition besides a remarkable genotoxic effect on H. Rostratum which highlights their antifungal effect


Rumex vesicarius L; Ziziphus spina-christi; Helminthosporium Rostratum, Essential and non-essential amino acids; RFLP; RAPD; COMET assay.


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