Oil Spill Cleanup for Automobile Pollution: The Performance of Raw and Treated Banana Stem Fiber


Tengku Nurul Aishah Tengku Aziz , Ramlah Mohd Tajuddin , Norsaadah Abdul Hamid ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 131-135 | Views: 636 | Downloads: 184 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3986625

Volume 4 - April 2020 (04)


Automobile pollution occurs from the emissions of oil and grease from the vehicles that settled in the water. Oil spills are one of the problems that arise which is not only affecting human health but also has a greater impact on the environment. This paper focuses on the treatment method suitable in modified the natural fiber as a sorbent material for removing oil and grease from oil contaminated water. The sorbents that were used are from a natural source which is banana stem fiber. The efficiency of the sorbent was determined by measuring the concentration of oil before and after the adsorption process. The oil that uses is diesel. The sorbent will be compared with the untreated and the treated fiber. The alkaline solution of sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) have been selected. The use of alkaline solution can enhance the surface structure of the banana stem fiber. With the effect of the treatment, it can help the banana stem fiber to increase the percentage removal of oil.


Automobile pollution, Banana Stem Fiber, Oil removal 


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