Contribution of Labor Allocations in the Development of Natural Silk Business Development (Case Study in Krenceng Village, Kepung District, Kediri Regency)
Eny Dyah Yuniwati , Umi Afdah ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 120-130 | Views: 563 | Downloads: 181 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3986623
The objectives of this research are to identify: a) The contribution of income of natural silk farm on household income; b) The contribution of labors alocation of natural silk farm on the absorption of household labors; c) Factors affecting the net income of natural silk farm; d) Factors effecting labors alocation on natural silk farm. This research conducted at Krenceng Village, Kepung Subdistrict, Kediri District, East Jawa. The result of this research shows that total labor used on natural silk farm activities as much as 287,70 MDE per year, or have employe more than 28 percent of the potential household labor force. Net income of natural silk farm influenced by farmer age, the extent of farmer experience on natural silk farm, and extent of formal education. .Labor allocation on natural silk farm influenced by planting area of murbei, a number of eggs, silk farm frequention and number of household members
natural silk farm, labor allocation, contribution on household income, contribution on labour employee.
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