Comparative effect of P source (cow dung and poultry manure) on the growth, development, and yield of chili pepper (capsicum frutenscens) in Kogi state, Nigeria


Oyewole, Charles Iledun , Aleehile Oluwafemi Jeremiah ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 33-43 | Views: 545 | Downloads: 164 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3991700

Volume 4 - June 2020 (06)


Field trial conducted at the Kogi State University Students Research and Demonstration Farm evaluated the influence of P obtained from two sources: cow dung and poultry manure, on the growth, development and yield of chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens) in Anyigba, Kogi state. The experiment a 2*3 Factorial Design consisted of two sources of P (cow dung and poultry manure) supplying P, at three levels: 0 kg P/ha, 45 kg P/ha and 90 kg P/ha, with treatment replicated three times. Growth parameters (plant height, leaf area, stem girth, number of branches) responded significantly to increasing P application over the control. Significant interactions were observed between poultry manure and cow dung growth characters in chili pepper. For yield, the treatment shows significant (P≤0.05) influence of source of P on fruit weight harvested per plant as well as fruit harvested/ha, with poultry manure giving the best yield / plant as well as yield / ha. Regarding rate of P application, harvested yield was observed to increase with increasing levels of P both in poultry manure as well as in cow dung. There was also interaction between poultry manure and cow dung on chili pepper yield with the highest yield obtained in a mixture of 90kg P/ha equivalent poultry manure + 90kg P/ha equivalent cow dung. Application of higher doses of P is recommended for the cultivation of chili pepper in the study area, considering the responses obtained with increasing levels of P in the study.


Phosphorus, cow dung, poultry manure, chili peppers, growth parameter, yield parameters


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