A Review of Current Status of Agricultural Mechanization in Nigeria.


Opadotun, O.O , Ozumba, I.C , Ogunjirin, O.A , Iorpev, T , Kang, S ,

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Volume 3 - February 2019 (02)


Agricultural mechanization is the harnessing, controlling and organising all inputs of production such as land, capital, labour, as well as research, education, communication/information, and engineering/technology in agricultural practices (Asoegwu and Asoegwu, 2007). It embraces the use of tools, implements, and machines for agricultural land development, crop production, harvesting, and preparation for storage, storage, and on-farm processing. With enormous advantages obtainable from it and its attendant effect on the wellbeing of the people, Nigeria is lagging behind in fully mechanizing her agricultural sector. This is due to much neglect of the sector by the private sector leaving most investment in the hands of a government. Also, lack of clear cut policies on agricultural mechanization and the inability of successive governments to continue with some good policies of former administrations has reduced mechanizing Nigerian agriculture to mere lip service, therefore affecting the output of this sector. Though the present government is building on the gains of former administration’s policies on agriculture, more still need to be done to put the nation on the right path of becoming self-sufficient and exporter of agricultural products (either agro-raw materials or processed products). This paper holistically looks at the current status of agricultural mechanization, its prospects, and challenges. Hence, proffering a way forward to them


Agriculture, Challenges, Importance, Mechanization, Policies, and Status.  


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