Contribution of Beekeeping and Honey Production to Household Income in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria


Zaman, E. Yuyu , Olarotimi, O. Nathaniel , Abdul, M. Joy ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 08-13 | Views: 462 | Downloads: 160 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3991692

Volume 4 - June 2020 (06)


The study considered the contribution of beekeeping and honey production to household income in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Data were collected in 2018 from nine purposively sampled communities from which 82 respondents were randomly sampled. The findings of the study revealed that 48 percent of the respondents fell within the age range of 40 – 60 years, with males constituting 82 percent of the beekeepers. The average output of beekeepers that used modern beehives was statistically higher than those who adopted traditional beehives (p < 0.01). The average quantity of honey harvested by the respondents per annum was 46.96 liters. Beekeeping was found to be profitable as the average gross income was N47, 019.51, while return/liter, and return/Naira invested was N558.79 and N0.79 respectively. Incomes from honey were dependent a wide range of variables but most important were output/hive, and price (p < 0.01) as well as average total variable costs (ATVC), p < 0.05.The adoption of modern apiary management practices were identified as strategies central to enhancing the output from honey production in the study area.


Beekeeping, Contribution, Gross income, Household income, Production.


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