Impact of Climatic Change on the Population Dynamics of Desert Locust (schistocerca gregaria forskal) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and Management Practices in District Rajanpur Southern Punjab Pakistan


Laila Yaseen , Aslam Khan , Asma Aslam ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 51-61 | Views: 482 | Downloads: 166 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3991712

Volume 4 - June 2020 (06)


The desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) has caused great losses to agriculture in Africa, the Middle East and South West Asia. There annual migrations take them down wind where winter, spring and summer rains fall for breeding. The climate of Pakistan is changing year by year rainfall, soil moisture, soil and air temperatures, surface and boundaries winds effect the population of locust. The topography of District RajanPur Southern Punjab and its tribal areas, Indus valley and Baluchistan are more suitable places for potential spring breeding. Seven control practices were tested against desert locust i.e. through beaver, defender micronair sprayer, plungery, power sprayers, tractor mounted jecto sprayer, shoulder mounted power sprayer and digging of trench. Beaver, helicopter, Defender micronair ULV sprayer proved to be excellent control in hopper, bands on grounds and adults immature pink colour flyer. The control practices were discussed in relation to climatic changes in desert locust population dynamics with reference to potential effects of different control practices, which shows that with the increase in temperature, humidity and rainfall the population of desert locust increases and vice versa


Schistocerca gregaria; Desert locust; Locust control; Population dynamics; Locust control practices


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