Status of the fall armyworm [Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith)] infestation on maize one year after detection in eastern Uganda


Frank Kagoda , Paul Mufumbiro , Joel Amunaun , Emmanuel Basena , Stella Kabiri ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 54-64 | Views: 485 | Downloads: 150 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4040950

Volume 4 - August 2020 (08)


The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), first observed in Uganda in mid 2016, has the potential to cause maize yield losses of 15 – 75%. The study was aimed at determining the fall armyworm (FAW) status on maize in eastern Uganda one year after detection. We interviewed 270 farmers from nine districts of eastern Uganda for this study. Key elements during interviews were: the maize varieties grown, maize grain yields, FAW awareness, symptoms and mitigation measures. Results showed that 41.5% of the farmers were still not aware of the FAW outbreak. The most common FAW symptom reported was the formation of holes on leaves. Majority (60.7%) of farmers were using pesticides, especially rocket 44EC, to control the FAW, whereas 11.9% relied on cultural methods and 26.7% did not apply any control measures. Under pesticide use, grain yields were much higher in the highlands especially Bukwo (5.1 – 7.5 t ha-1) as reported by 80% of respondents, and lowest (< 1.25 t ha-1) in the lowlands of Luuka, Pallisa and Butaleja as reported by 53.3-66.7% of the respondents.  Varieties Longe 10H, Longe 5, Longe 7H and the landraces, registered the lowest grain yields (< 1.25 t ha-1) under no pesticide use. Therefore, the FAW is more aggressive in the lowland than in the highland districts of Uganda. The poor agronomic practices in the lowland districts exacerbated the effect of the FAW.  


Awareness, districts, control, fall armyworm, landraces, rocket


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