Evaluating the Various Indeterminate Germplasm of Tomato Hybrids for Yield Components under High Tunnel at Climatic Condition of Balochistan


Malik Bakht Ali , Sher Mohammad Lehri , Bashri Ahmed Bangulzai , Dawood Khan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 123-127 | Views: 470 | Downloads: 120 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4040978

Volume 4 - August 2020 (08)


The trial was conducted at Directorate of Vegetable Seed Production, ARI Sariab Quetta-Pakistan.Main aim of this trial was to evaluate the potential of indeterminate tomatoes hybrids under high tunnel. The traditional practices of tomato cultivation are very lethargic and farming communities of specially tomato growers facing many agronomic problems due to such practices i.e. low yield per hectare, fruit quality (size and shape) and other management issues. This study revealed that through indeterminate cultivars/hybrids of tomato the yield per acre increased vividly within existing infrastructure of indigenous agriculture. In this trial 6 cultivars were tested among them Sahil performed well and its yield per hectare was recorded 120.72 tons. All cultivars were shown that indeterminate cultivars/hybrids have five (5) time more yield potential then regular tomato crops. This study recommend the utilization of Indeterminate tomatoes under tunnels through this way farmers will get more yield and improve their socio economic status and contribute healthy Gross domestic Production (GDP) at country level.


Indeterminate Tomatoes, High Tunnel, Advance Agronomic Practices and Tomato Yield


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