Influence of Planting Distance and Insecticide Spray Application on Performance of Cowpea [Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp] in Forest-Transition Zone of Ghana


Essilfie, M.E , Dapaah, K. H , Obeng, G , Koranteng, L. M , Donkor, F , Essilfie, K. J ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 62-76 | Views: 1046 | Downloads: 384 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483274

Volume 3 - February 2019 (02)


The study was conducted to determine varietal response of cowpea [(i) Zamzam and (ii) Soronko] to planting distance [ (i) 50 x 20 cm (ii) 60 x 20 cm] and insecticide spray application [ (i) 2 sprays (ii) 3 sprays (iii) no spray (control)] in forest-transition zone of Ghana. Two field experiments were conducted for two years at College of Agriculture Education, University of Education, Winneba, Asante Mampong campus during 2016 and 2017 cropping seasons.
The 2 x 2 x 3 factorial experiment was laid in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The result showed that there was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between Zamzam and Soronko in number filled pods per plot, number of pods per plant, number of pest infested seeds per plot, percentage plant establishment, number of plants harvested and number of pods per plant  during 2016 and 2017cropping seasons respectively. Zamzam planted 50 x 20 cm spacing had the highest shoot and fresh root weight at 63 days after planting during the 2017 cropping season.  Zamzam planted at 50 x 20 cm or 60 x 20 cm spacing and sprayed 3 times had the highest percentage plant establishment, a number of unfilled pods per plot and number of plants harvested respectively. Soronko planted 60 x 20 cm spacing with 2 times spraying had the highest number of filled pods per plot. In conclusion for high vegetative growth of cowpea to be used as fodder, farmers are to grow Zamzam and plant using 50 x 20 cm spacing and spray 2 times. Farmers are encouraged to grow Soronko using 50 x 20 cm or 60 x 20 cm spacing and spray 2 times for a high number of pods per plant, number of filled pods per plot and least number of pest infested seeds per plot.


Soronko, Zamzam, insecticide spray application, planting distance, cowpea


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