Maydis Stigma (Corn Silk) Extract Protects the Functionality and Histoarchitecture of the Testis against Paraquat Induced Toxicity


Ofoego Uzozie Chikere , Mbagwu Smart Ikechukwu , Ekwujuru Ezinne Uchechi , Obiesie Ifechukwu Justicia , Madu Chiamaka Promise , Ofoego Amarachukwu Ndubuisi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 111-122 | Views: 532 | Downloads: 125 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4040975

Volume 4 - August 2020 (08)


Paraquat is a widely used herbicide and is toxic to humans. This study investigated the therapeutic potentials of ethanolic extract of Maydis stigma in reversing paraquat induced testicular toxicity in animal models. Thirty-five male Wistar rats were divided into control and six test groups (n=5). Control group (A) received feed and distilled water, while other groups (B-G) were treated daily and orally for 4weeks as follows; group B (20mg/kg b.w. of paraquat); group C (1000mg/kg b.w. of ethanolic extract of Maydis stigma): group D (co-administration of 20mg/kg b.w. of paraquat and 500mg/kg b.w. of ethanolic extract of Maydis stigma), group E (co-administration of 20mg/kg b.w. of paraquat and 1000mg/kg b.w. of ethanolic extract of Maydis stigma), group F (20mg/kg b.w. of paraquat for one week, followed subsequently by 500mg/kg b.w. of ethanolic extract of Maydis stigma daily for 3weeks) and group G (20mg/kg b.w. of paraquat for only 1week and fed for another 3weeks). At the end, reproductive profiles such as sperm count, morphology and motility; serum testosterone levels and histomorphometric architecture of their testes were assessed. Results revealed that paraquat produced altered sperm profiles, induced necrosis, caused loss of sperm bundles and reduced organ weights and testosterone levels (p<0.05). However, treatment with Maydis stigma extract showed better sperm profiles including enhanced spermatogenesis and higher sera testosterone levels thereby conferring protective potentials against toxicity induced by paraquat. We therefore suggest from our findings that Maydis stigma acts in a dose dependent manner to ameliorate paraquat-induced toxicity effect in animal models


Maydis stigma, paraquat, testis, male reproductive profile, histology


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