Methods for Determining Soil Contamination by Oil and Petroleum Products and Indicator Plants in the North of Caspian Sea


Elshad Machnun Gurbanov , Humira Zafar Huseynova , Shahin Ibad Ibrahimov ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 84-89 | Views: 376 | Downloads: 130 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4040965

Volume 4 - August 2020 (08)


In accordance with the Law” On environmental protection “and " the plan of comprehensive measures to improve the environmental situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan (for 2006-2010)", as well as a program on the scientific topic, revealed methods for studying soil contamination with oil and petroleum products on the Northern coast of the Caspian Sea and on the basis of this were studied plants-indicators.
Since the second half of the XX century, anthropogenic factors and technogenic impacts on the environment have been increasing in our country, as well as in the area of oil fields, oil products, mineralized water, etc. negatively affect vegetation in the zone of oil production, as well as due to waste pollution, soil fertility is degraded, and vegetation is subjected to digression.


formation, association, dominant, subdominant, indicator 


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