Hyperspectral Imaging - An innovation in Agriculture Sector


Muhammad Roman , Qadeer Ahmad , Abdul Majid , Sarwan Khan , Ahmad Raza Shahid , Muhammad Ali , Muhammad Abdul Rehman Saeed ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 32-36 | Views: 1272 | Downloads: 387 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483266

Volume 3 - February 2019 (02)


Hyperspectral imaging is an emerging technique in the agriculture sector to obtain spectral and spatial data of plant without destruction of plant parts. Traditional sampling ways are a destructive method that damages the plant parts and required more time. This is the best method to get results from a large area within minimum time. We can obtain our research goals without physically effecting the plant parts.  Nowadays, its application includes mapping of vegetation, crop diseases and pest attack, crop stress and yield analysis, plant parts identification, nutrients measurements and exposure of impurities. Agriculture elements consist of different chemical and physical compositions, in the response with near-infrared spectroscopy, plant parts will reflect, absorb, scatter or emit waves in different ways at a specific wavelength. These variations are characterizing with spectral signs of that part. The purpose of literature is to provide basic information about the role of hyperspectral imaging and its application in the agriculture sector.


Hyperspectral Imaging - HIS Wavelength & Spectral -Application in Agriculture 


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