Financial Analysis of Candlenut Agroforestry System in KPH Dolago Tanggunung Resort Sigi, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia


Patta Dua , Saiful Darman , Hadayani , Golar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 48-59 | Views: 472 | Downloads: 168 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4286853

Volume 4 - October 2020 (10)


Integrated land use systems, such as agroforestry, were believed to increase opportunities for the sustainability of the agricultural sector and food security. The implementation of agroforestry had an important role in the social and cultural aspects of local communities. This research was conducted at KPH Dolago Tanggunung Resort Sigi. This research was conducted for 6 effective months, from April to October 2018. The main purposes of this research was to analyze the economic value of the business feasibility of the candlenut agroforestry system at KPH Dolago Tanggunung Resort Sigi, to determine the prospects for developing KPH-based Candlenut agroforestry and to analyze the contribution of agroforestry agroforestry systems to food security.
The results shown that all the cultivation of the plants Model I were profitable (feasible) to be cultivated because they had IRR values ​​higher than MAR 5% and Net B / C Ratio higher than 1. Optimum age Model I were reached when the candlenut stands were 20 years old. The average annual increment (MAI) was achieved by Model I of 6.17 m3 / ha / year and the total standing stock volume was 123.31 m3 / ha. The operations of Model  shown a positive value of NPV, so it was feasible to continue. The level of resilience Model I could still withstand economic changes with an increase in costs by 10%, or a decrease in income by 10%. The need for the interest rate that could be given so that it was feasible to cultivate Models I was 5% to 89%. The level of income of the community who operated an agroforestry system could improve the welfare and education level of the family. The community empowerment program in the area of ​​the Dolago Tanggunu Resort Palolo KPH working area was still not optimally carried out even though there were existing laws that accommodate it. The candlenut-based agroforestry development model had very high potential to be developed in the KPH Dolago Tanggunu Resort Palolo area, so that it could be used as an agroforestry model for FMU management.


financial, agroforestry, candlenut, KPH Dolago Tanggunung.


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