Random and Fixed Effects of Wheat Genotypes Compared by Rank Based Measures: Northern Hills Zone



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Volume 4 - October 2020 (10)


Rank based measures of stability based on random effects of wheat genotypes for the first year of study, Sis measures identified G11, G12, G1, G22 would be stable yield. Corrected yield measures CSis selected G12, G17, G19,G21, G22genotypes as possessing for stable yield. NPi(s) identified G4, G12, G19, G22 as desirable genotypes for this zone. Kendall ’ s coefficient of concordanceexpressed dependence among measures for ranking of wheat genotypes. Association analysis observed positive correlations of Sis, CSis & NPi(s) with other measures. Biplot analysis observed largest cluster comprised of CSD, CCV, Si1, SD, Si5, Si7 CSi1, CSi2, CSi3, CSi4, CSi5, CSi6, CSi7 Z1, Z2measures. Fixed effects of genotypes, measures Sis found G2, G11, G21, G22 as suitable genotypes. Values of CSis identified G3, G9, G21, G22as compared to G3, G11, G19, G22 by NPi(s) measures. Positive correlations exhibited by Sis, CSis,NPi(s) with values of other measures. Values of Kendall coefficient observed dependence among ranking of genotypes . Biplot graphical analysis seen affinity of CV with NPi(2), NPi(3),NPi(4) Si3, Si6 & CSi3i n graphical analysis.Measures settled for G1, G2, G5, G7 genotypes as per random effects for second year of study (2017-18).G1, G5, G7 by CSis values whereas NPi(s) settledG1, G2,G5, G7 genotypes of stable performance. Measures Sis, CSis, NPi(s) exhibited direct relationships with other rank based measures. Larger consisted of Si1, Si2, Si3, Si5, Si7 ,CCV, CSD, NPi(1), Si7 ,CSi1, CSi2, CSi3, CSi4, CSi5, CSi6 measures in biplot graphical analysis.Wheat genotypesG1, G4, G5, G7 identified bySis measures considering BLUE estimates whereas G1, G5 ,G7 favoured byCSis. Least values ofNPi(s)settled for G1, G5,G4. Direct relations expressed by Sis, CSis & NPi(s) measures. Larger cluster among four groups comprised of large cluster of Si1, Si2 , Si4, Si5, Si7 ,CCV, CSD, NPi(1),CSi1, CSi2, CSi3, CSi4, CSi5, CSi6 CSi7 measures as last group.


BLUP, BLUE, Si(s), CSi(s), NPi(s), Coefficient of concordance,  Biplot analysis


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