Raw Materials Quality and Additional Value of Central Sulawesi Cocoa Agroindustry in Rumah Coklat Palu, Indonesia
Marliyah , Budi Setiawan , Alam Anshary , Asriani , Made Antara ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 26-36 | Views: 460 | Downloads: 150 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4625377
The existence of the Rumah Coklat was expected to help increase income and added value for farmers and Small and Medium Industries (IKM) process chocolate bars into derivative products with various flavors, by providing a higher price than the price of unfermented cocoa beans into chocolate bars (Bar) at the Rumah Coklat consists of several regions, so that the quality uniformity and products needs to be tested and the added value obtained could be analyzed. This research was conducted at the Rumah Coklat from May to July 2020. The data analysis used was the determination of the quality of the cocoa seed material using SNI standards for Cocoa Beans 01-2323-2008 and Value Added Analysis using the Hayami method. The research results showed that the quality of the raw material for cocoa beans used by the Chocolate House was in accordance with the SNI Cocoa Beans quality standard: 01-2323-2008. The three sources of raw material for cocoa beans, Great A was from Sidondo and Palolo, while Great AA was raw material from the Sausu area (Parigi Moutong). The nutritional value of fat was in the range of 45 - 61 gr / 100 gr and the highest fat content was Dark Couverture products, for protein nutritional value was in the range of 7-12 gr / 100 gr and the highest protein content was Chocolate Pasta (Liquor) products, the nutritional value of carbohydrates was in the range of 27-44 gr / 100 gr and the highest was 56% Milk Chocolate products, and the highest nutritional value of sodium was in the range of 15- 100 gr / 100 gr. 56% Milk Chocolate products. For Central Sulawesi's Chocolate Pasta (Liquor) product, the added value was IDR 52,000 / kg, a value added ratio of 34.67%, a profit of IDR 186.53 / kg, a profit rate of 0.36%; 90% of Dark Chocolate products obtained added value of Rp 57,112 / kg, a value added ratio of 38.07%, a profit of Rp 22,747.32 / kg a profit rate of 39.83%; 80% of Dark Chocolate products obtained added value of IDR 54,558 / kg, a ratio of added value of 36%, a profit of IDR 42,058.13 / kg, a profit rate of 77.09%; 60% milk products obtained added value of Rp. 29,121 / kg, value added ratio of 19%, profit of Rp. 20,030 / kg, profit rate of 68.78% and 56% of milk products obtained added value of Rp. 25,698 / kg, value added ratio of 17%, profit. IDR 20,435.13 / kg, the profit rate was 79.52%. Of the five types of products produced by the Chocolate Home Industry, respectively providing the highest added value were Dark Products 90% (Rp. 57,112 / kg), Dark 80% (Rp. 54,558 / Kg), Liquor (Rp. 52,000 / kg) ), Milk 60% (Rp.29,121 / kg) and Milk56% (Rp.25,698 / kg). Based on Added Value Analysis of processing cocoa beans into chocolate bars (Chocolate Bar) in one production process where 43 kg of dry fermented cocoa beans were needed to produce 30 kg of chocolate bars with 5 types of processed products, namely: Liquor, Dark 90%, Dark 80%, Milk 60% and Milk 56%. It was recommended that it should apply the SNI Cocoa Beans as a whole quality standard in purchasing raw material. The raw material for cocoa beans had met the quality standards of SNI 01-2323-2008, which came from three (3) regions of raw material sources should be separated because its quality differences. The policy makers and related parties should pay serious attention to the farmer and the raw materials availability. its better if the two types production could be increased.
quality, value added, agroindustry, Central Sulawesi cocoa
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