Impact of Climate Change on Population dynamics of fruit fly in Mango Orchard and Control through Integrated Pest Management Practices in Agro-ecological Zone of Rahim Yar Khan Southern Punjab Pakistan.


Asma Aslam , Laila Yaseen , Rida Fatima , Majid Ali , Syed Burhan-u-Din ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 53-58 | Views: 536 | Downloads: 165 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4625387

Volume 4 - December 2020 (12)


The mango fruit flies Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and Bactrocera zonata (Saunder) are known as key pest of fruits in Pakistan. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of climate change, temperature, relative humidity and rain on the development and survival of fruit flies B. dorsalis or B.zonata  (Diptera:Tephtritidae) and control through pest management practices in mango orchard. An experiment was carried out at Government Progeny Garden (Latitude; N 28°39'06.3036" & Longitude; E 70°41'57.3144") Khanpur Rahim Yar Khan South Punjab Pakistan during the period from March to September 2020. Environment friendly control through IPM practices were tested in reducing the undesirable fruit flies population responsible for decreasing the yield and the crop quality. The climate of agro-ecological zone of Rahim Yar Khan Southern Punjab, Pakistan is changing yearly rainfall, soil moisture, relative humidity, soil and air temperature and weeds within orchards effect the population of fruit flies. The population of fruit fly increased with the increase of temperature. Five management practices were studied which were simple, practical and low cost green chemical approach was developed that have a significant potential for crop protection, excellent efficiency and favorable safety profiles. Five treatments i.e biocontrol agent, bait application technique (BAT), male annihilation technique (MAT), field sanitation and control were tested. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. All the treatments showed significant variations on all the parameters studied. The highest mature fruit set (400) per plant in sanitation management practices and lowest mature fruit set (79) per plant in control without management. The lowest percentage premature fruit drop (8) per plant in sanitation and highest percentage premature fruit drop (37) per plant in control without any management practice


Fruit fly, integrated pest management (IPM), Infestation, Mango


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