Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and their role in Healthcare and Eonomic Development


Dafina Nazaj ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-07 | Views: 891 | Downloads: 338 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2574517

Volume 1 - October 2017 (10)


Traditional medicine was the foundation of health care around the world since the early days of humanity. Medicinal plants have been known for millennia as a wealthy source of therapeutic agents for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, occupying an important place in the socio-cultural, spiritual and medical field. They are the source of primary health care for most of the world's population. Knowing and using them is a great economical source, but often unpublished. Tendencies for long-term use in the traditional health system will also increase the need for good management of their habitats. The source management systems, which should aim at the full protection of not only the nearest sources but also the farthest ones and will bring a potential market supply of medicinal plants. The open access policies, which have been implemented in the last decades, will provide more opportunities for better quality collective actions for the protection of biodiversity, sustainable management and supply of medicinal plants to the market. Thus, in the long-term vision, this sector will pass from a natural economy into a well-managed economy of its potentials. Natural medicinal substances used in folk medicine around the world will continue to contribute to health as they have done for millennia after facing some challenges. Today, this vegetation is facing various threats, such as pressure from human activities, climate change, and erosion of species.Scientific interest in medicinal plants has increased due to increased efficacy of new herbal medicines, increased interest in natural products, and growing concerns about the side effects of conventional medicine. Precisely, this article aims to review the current state of use of medical plants, resource management systems, quality concerns, and security and sales strategies for these products in global markets


Medicinal plants, active dose, environment, management, Sustainable Development.


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