Effect of Seed Priming on Seed Germinability and Seedling Performance of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)


Oyekale, K. O. , Shobo, B. A. , Oyekale, O. O. , Erumaka, J. ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 69-75 | Views: 488 | Downloads: 146 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4625391

Volume 4 - December 2020 (12)


The experiment was conducted at the horticultural unit of Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of priming on the agronomic performance of tomato. The study consisted of 4 treatments: 40g of NaCl per 1litre of water, 20g of NaCl per 1litre of water, 10g of NaCl per 1litre of water and 0g per 1litre of water (control). The tomato variety used was a local variety (NGB OO713). Each treatment was replicated four times. 100 grammes of tomato seeds was soaked in 1 litre of water diluted with the specified concentrations of NaCl according to treatments. The primed seeds were thereafter sowed in plastic containers filled with top soil, and the following agronomic data were taken at respective interval: Germination %, Seedling length (cm), Number of leaves per plant, Stem girth (cm), Root length, Seedling vigour index, Speed of germination. Analysis of Variance, Means separation and correlation analyses were carried out on the data obtained. Results showed that the treatment was not significant for all the seed viability and seedling vigour parameters evaluated. Some of the treatments however showed statistical differences. Positively significant correlations were recorded for most of the parameters, indicating a strong relationship. This study posited that all the NaCl concentrations used were not effective on the primed tomato seeds; which could indicate use of less than required concentration needed to properly condition the seeds. It is therefore recommended that further studies could consider increasing the salt concentration beyond 40 grammes for tomato seed priming


Seed Priming, Seed Germinability, Seedling Performance, Field Establishment.


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 xix.            Varela, A.M., A. Seif, and B. Lohr. (2003). A guide to IPM in tomato production in Eastern and Southern Africa. CTA/ICIPE/GTZ. Journal of Plant Physiology. In press. (2003).

   xx.            Afzal, L. (2009) Effect of priming and growth regulator treatment on emergence and seedling growth on tomato (lycopersicon esculentum Mill). Soc. Hort. Sci., 112:45-9 (2009).

 xxi.            Abubakar, U., and Q. Majeed. 2000. Use of animal manure for the control of root- knot nematodes.
Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 1:29-33. (2000).

xxii.            Baldwin, E. A., Scott, J. W., and R. L. Shewfelt.1995. Quality of Ripened Mutant and Transgenic
Tomato Cultigens. Tomato Quality Workshop and Tomato Breeders Roundtable.Vegetable Crops. University of California: Davis. (1995). 

xxiii.            Baldwin, E. A., Scott, J. W., Shewmaker, C. K., and W. Schuch. 2000. Flavour trivia and tomato  Aroma: biochemistry and possible mechanisms for control of important aroma         components. Horticultural Science 35:1013-1022. (2000).

xxiv.            Bok I, M. Madisa, D. Machcha, M. Moamogwe and K. More ( ed). (2006). Manual for vegetable production in Botswana. Department of Agricultural Research. 9 (20) 1543–1549. https://doi.org/10.5897/AJAR2012.476.

xxv.            Cobley, L. S. and W. M Steele. (1976). An Introduction to the Botany of Tropical Crops. Second  edition. Longman Group Limited London. Bio-resource Technology 45:21-25. (1976).

xxvi.            FAO. (2010). Plant genetics resourse for Food and Agriculture Rome, Food and Agriculture Organsations of the United Nations. Journal of Crop Science, 6 (7), 1199-1203. (2010).

xxvii.            Guichard, S., Bertin, N., Leeornadi, C., and C. Gary. 2001. Tomato fruit quality in relation to water and carbon fluxes. Agronomy 21:385-392. (2001).

xxviii.            Hagland, A., Johanssen, L., Garedal, L., and J. Dlouhy. 1997. Sensory Quality of Tomatoes Cultivated with Ecological Fertilising System. in: Hagland, (ed.) Sensory Quality of             Tomatoes Carrots and Wheat- Influences of Growing Systems. Uppsala University: Uppsala. (1997).

xxix.            Harker, F. R., Gunson, F. A., and S. R. Jaeger. 2003. The case for fruit quality: an interpretive review of consumers’ attitude and preference for apple. Post-Harvest Biology and      Technology 28:333-347. (2003).

xxx.            Hedge, D. M., and K. Srinivas. 1990. Effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on yield, nutrient uptake, and water use of tomato. Gaetenbauwissenschaft 55:173-177. (1990).

xxxi.            Kader, A. A. 1986. Effects of Post-harvest handling procedures on tomato quality. Acta Horticulture 190:209-222. (1986).

xxxii.            Oikeh, S. O., and J. E. Asiegbu. 1993. Growth and yield responses of tomatoes to sources and rates of organic manures in ferralitic soils. Bio-resource Technology 45:21-25. (1993).

xxxiii.            Peet, M. M. 2008. Fruit cracking in tomato. Horticultural Technology 2:216-223. (2008).

xxxiv.            Peirce, L.C. (1987). Vegetable characteristics, production and marketing. John Wiley and Sons. Inc. Toronto. Canada. Europ. J. Agronomy, 24, 45-51(21987).

xxxv.            Peralta, I. E., and D. M. Spooner. 2001. Granule-bound starch synthesis gene phylogeny of wild tomatoes.  American Journal of Botany 88:1888-1902. (2001).

xxxvi.            Rozin, P. 1999. Food is fundamental, fun, frightening and far-reaching. Social Research 66:9-30.

xxxvii.            Shukla, V., and L. B. Naik. 1993. Agro- techniques for solanaceous vegetables. Advance in Horticulture 5:364-399. (1999).

xxxviii.            Varela, A.M., A. Seif, and B. Lohr. (2003). A guide to IPM in tomato production in Eastern and Southern Africa. CTA/ICIPE/GTZ. Journal of Plant Physiology. In press. (2003).

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