Quality Asset Ability of Rhizobium Spciese from Organic Base Bio Fertilizer Production Using Multiple Organic Waste as Carrier Base Inreadeness for Commercialization


Silas David Emmanuel , Barminas Jeffrey Tsware , I.M. Bugaje , R, A .Damau ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 10-29 | Views: 417 | Downloads: 141 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4625343

Volume 5 - February 2021 (02)


Microorganisms work incognito to maintain the ecological balance by active participation in carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorous cycles in nature. Soil samples were collected from 12 sites, four from each of the study areas viz; NARICT  farm   land, Yankusa Land fill,   and Sakadadi agricultural farm land  . The total chromium content was analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Physiochemical analysis of the contaminated and control land fill were also determined. The parameters determined were colour, odour, pH, temperature, Nitrogen, % potassium and % phosphorus etc. All parameters were found to be higher than the WHO limit except % Nitrogen, % Potassium and % Phosphorus that falls beyond.  Further investigations were carried  out    to checkmate  the proximate  analysis   of some   nutritional values of  Chemical fertilizer  A and B as control   while C for biofertilzer ( treated)  Most of the results  computed  shows there  were significantly higher values in both  macronutrient  and micronutrient  in Biofertilizer(C)  production than those of the Chemical fertilizer (A and B).   In view of the current   investigation,   bacteria isolates   like those  of  (Rhizobium sp ) namely; Rhizobium  Japonicum, Rhizobium   lupine etc  were isolated  as  nitrogen fixing bacteria from root nodules of soya bean. Thus   identification, and characterization rhyzobial sp for the production of biofertilizer  In selective modified (MYEMA)  through which propagation  of bacteria    mass cells were  accentuated  insitu. To this effect,  the propagated  mass cells  of    the bacteria  were therefore meticulously  and circumspectively  mixed   with  multiple carrier base  materials; for further utilization in the soils to increase its nutrient quality naturally after combining it with the soil.  For nitrogen is one of the important component which acts as a building blocks of most biomolecules, but this inert nitrogen cannot be utilized by plants so the Rhizobium bacteria helps to fix the atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia which can be utilized by plants.  In view of this study   the production of biofertilizer from   nitrogen fixing bacterial strains as well as utilizing them in the organic farming


Rhozobium, Biofertilzer production, Multiple carrier organic base waste, Macro element/ microelement


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