Viability Studies on Longevity of Onion Seeds under Various of Seed Storage Conditions


Zalama, M.T. ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 62-75 | Views: 292 | Downloads: 101 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5141607

Volume 5 - April 2021 (04)


Fresh onion seeds cv. Giza Red were desiccated to 6.0% (SMC) and stored under various of climate storage conditions (ambient room with annual average 21°C & 55% RH; cold storage, 5°C & 30±2% RH and warm storage, 25±2°C & 60±5% RH) together with packing materials i.e., muslin cloth bags and polyethylene bags (500 gauge) during 20 month of storage periods. Factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replicates was conducted for each of climate storage conditions included 2 levels of packaging materials and 10 levels of storage periods. The seed viability induced by germination test was recorded after 2 months till 20 months with 2 months’ intervals between seed samples. The viability remaining parameters were predicted by the longevity equation depending on initial Probit viability (𝒌𝒊) and storage index in month (𝝈). Isolated data presented that, applying cold storage, hermetic polyethylene bags and the first storage period treatments compared to the other treatments significantly (P<0.05) obtained the highest capacity of seed viability (88.15%, 77.44% and 92.45%), respectively. As well as seed vigor traits, they obtained the highest values of GPI (21.24, 18.57 and 25.06), SVI-I (1340, 1126 and 1434) and EC (0.499, 0.515 and 0.384 dSm-1), respectively. The combination treatment (cold storage × polyethylene bags) over all storage periods (0-20 month) approaching the favorable storage conditions, thence significantly (P<0.05) presented the greatest increase of seed viability (G%, R2= 0.99) and maintain seed viability remaining (longevity equation) for long terms, which recorded the largest 𝝈 (20 month) and mean Probit viability (6.01) and the lowest seed deterioration rates (tgβ, -0.050). Also regarding the regression coefficient, the combination treatment obtained the lowest values of intercept (6.876), slope (-0.905) and standard error (0.098) and the largest values of logarithmic time to lose one Probit of viability (2.07 month) and half viability periods (118.3 month). Finally, equilibrium SMC to 6%, lowering RH and °C within wide limits and using hermetic packing devices, were the favorable storage conditions to maintain the remaining of seed viability and enhancing seed vigor of onion seed.


onion, storage conditions, climate conditions, hermetic packing, Probit viability, longevity equation, seed vigor.


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