Application of Landsat Imagery for Land covers Analysis of MBE Mountain and Wildlife Sanctuary in Cross River State Nigeria


Akesa T.M , Ebigwai, J.K ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 111-134 | Views: 384 | Downloads: 100 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5141667

Volume 5 - April 2021 (04)


This study examined the integration of remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) tool to forest resource mapping and monitoring in Mbe Mountain Forest and Wildlife Sanctuary. Landsat satellite imageries for 1987, 2001, 2013 and 2019 covering 32 year period were used to classify and identify forest changes through change detection techniques. The result showed a general conversion from forested areas to degraded landscape in all the years under review except in 2019 Result  showed that degraded areas were derived not only from previously forested zones but also from areas previously occupied by water bodies and rocky outcrops. Deliberate re-channeling of water courses within the reserve to aid irrigation purposes to farms outside the protected area was a causal factor in the conversion of areas previously occupied by water bodies while artisanal mining activities had leveled rocky outcrops to bare grounds. It was observed that degradation rate was discriminatory as it was highest in the southern and eastern flank of the reserve bordering Okwango Division of the Cross River National Park (CRNP). The responsible for this are late establishment of Ecoguards and partial enforcement of regulatory laws. Over all, the reluctance of Federal government to officially gazette the reserve as a protected area on its own or its fusion into the Okwango Division of the CRNP was observed as the main deforestation trigger. Furthermore, the continuous decline in forest cover is predicted for 2025 with a corresponding 19.8 % conversion of forest landscape into degraded lands. This may result in total loss of forest cover around Bamba, Abo Mkpang, Abo Obisu and Wula areas leaving Kanyang 1 and 11 only as zones occupied by forests. The findings of this research is to be shared with Wildlife Conservation Society, the nine host communities and the Ministry of Biodiversity and Climate Change Forestry Commission with a view to influencing decisions making that would halt the deforestation rate.


LandSat, Imagery, Wildlife, Sanctuary, Ecoguards, Deforestation.


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