Management Strategies for Soil Compaction in Mechanized Sugarcane Cultivation


Dr. Jayachandran.M , N. Chandra Sekaran , R. Christy Nirmala Marry , R.Anitha ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 160-183 | Views: 258 | Downloads: 89 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5150087

Volume 5 - June 2021 (06)


A field survey was carried out at Cuddalore and Villupuram districts of Tamil Nadu State to assess the impact of continues mechanisation in sugarcane cultivation on soil physical propertiesduring 2016 -17. Soil samples were taken at different depths viz.,0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm’s from mechanized sugarcane harvested fields as well as nearby non mechanised fields as control. The results showed that an increased bulk density, hydraulic conductivity and infiltration ratein mechanized cultivation field soils particularly at deeper depths (20 – 40 cm) and (40 – 60 cm) implying mechanization induced soil compaction. To develop a suitable management strategy, field experiments were conducted at Sugarcane Research Station, Cuddalore during 2017-20 in a field where mechanized sugarcane cultivation was followed continuously for four years in a non -saline neutral sandy loam (0-15cm) andclay (15 – 60 cm) soil with the sugarcane variety CoC 25 under strip plot design in three replications. The main plot treatments of chisel plough, double disc plough and conventional ploughing in combination with the sub plot treatments of farm yard manure, composted coirpith, pressmud, green manure and composted sugarcane trash incorporation.

In both the plant and ratoon crops of sugarcane the result revealed that, among the tillages, chisel plough registered its efficiency of breaking the compaction and significantly recorded the maximum values of millable canes, individual cane weight, cane length, cane girth, number of internodes, length of internode and cane yield and the juice quality such as brix, pole, purity, CCS and sugar yield.Comparing the different sources of organics, FYM application @ 12.5 t ha-1 recorded significantly lesser bulk density, particle density and penetrometer resistance and higher the porosity, HC and IR which in turn reflected in significantly higher values of varied sugarcane crop biometrics, juice quality parameters in both plant and ratoon crops. Regarding cost benefit ratio while, the chisel plough recorded the maximum of 2.83and 3.46in plant and ratoon crop respectively, the farm yard manure 12.5 @ t/ha incorporation recorded 2.87 in plant crop 3.04 in ratoon crop. Among the treatment combinations, chisel ploughing with farm yard manure @ 12.5 t/ha application registered its superiority in reducing the bulk density, particle density and penetrometer resistance and increasing the porosity, HC and IR compared to other treatments and their by recorded significantly higher growth and yield parameters viz., tillers (1,49,100/ha), millable cane (1,46,110/ha), individual cane weight (2.55 kg), cane girth (3.49 cm), cane length (348.46 cm), number of nodes (28.4), inter node length (12.6 cm) and cane yield (143.3 t/ha).The same combination recorded higher values of quality parameters viz., brix (23.73 %), pole (18.98 %), purity (84.35 %), CCS (12.47 %), sugar yield (17.88 t/ha) and B: C ratio (4.22).


Soil compaction, Sugarcane mechanisation, Mechanised harvest, Subsoil ploughing,Organic amendments Soil structure, Bulk density, Particle density, Hydraulic conductivity, water infiltration rate and Root dry biomass.


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