Effect of protective coating of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell Arg.) tapping panel on the regeneration of the tapped bark
Obouayeba Samuel , Konan Djezou , Diarrassouba Moussa , Adou B. Y. C , Elabo A. E. A , Soumahin E. F ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 56-63 | Views: 312 | Downloads: 109 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5149844
The tapping panel, rubber extraction area of the rubber tree, is very valuable in rubber cultivation. Indeed, the fast and efficient regeneration of the bark is a major concern. Thus, a study to test a protective coating of the tapping panel to ensure a better and faster regeneration of its bark was investigated on GT 1 clone in South-Eastern Côte d'Ivoire. It was conducted in a "one tree plot design" statistical system with 120 trees equitably divided into four treatments. The rubber trees were subjected to downward tapping for the first four years after opening the tapping panel. Application of the protective coating alone affected negatively iso-diametric growth of the trunk and regeneration of the tree panel bark. Likewise, it has exacerbated the susceptibility to rubber tree tapping panel dryness syndrome. In contrast, the addition of ANA methyl ester to this coating favorably influenced iso-diametric growth of the trunk, regeneration of bark of the tapping panel, and reduced susceptibility to tapping panel dryness syndrome. The addition of ANA methyl ester at 5% to the protective coating of the rubber tree tapping panel gives it a certain efficiency, especially for the regeneration of its bark.
Protective plaster, rubber production, radial vegetative growth, physiological parameters, tapping panel dryness sensitivity, Côte d’Ivoire
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