Livelihoods for Ethnic Minority Households in Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam
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Theories and frameworks of livelihoods by scholars and DIFD were defined. Furthermore, the study finds out five factors of the framework of livelihood as external context, institutional and policy process, livelihood assets, livelihood strategies, and livelihood outcomes. Typical framework on 1) Scooner’s sustainable rural livelihood framework source (1998), 2) DFID sustainable livelihood analysis, 3) Sustainable livelihood framework IFAD (2003) was introduced. DFID framework was used to analyze livelihood analytical frameworks of ethnic minorities in the study area of Thai Nguyen province. Main factors affecting the livelihood of ethnic minority households, such as policy and government program, shocks and risk, education and training, characteristics of ethnic minority groups, and development program aid.
Livelihoods, Ethnic Minority
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