Determınatıon of Crude Nutrıent Content of Natural Pastures of Sanlıurfa Tek Tek Mountaıns, in Turkey


Ayfer BOZKURT KIRAZ , Neslihan LAFCI ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 80-84 | Views: 289 | Downloads: 104 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5150036

Volume 5 - June 2021 (06)


In this study, the dry matter (DM), crude ash (CA), crude protein (CP), crude fat (CF), neutral detergent insoluble fiber (NDF) and acid detergent insoluble fiber (ADF) values ​​were determined that the rangelands (Mera1, Mera2, Mera3, Mera4) in different regions of Sanliurfa region for March, April, May and June. DM, CA, CP, CF, NDF and ADF levels (%) for March, April, May and June were 26.6-42.8, 7.9-8.5, 17.4-8.2, 2.3-2.1; 36.3-62.1, 27.5-39.7; In the Mera2 region, respectively; 28.8-45.5, 8.4-9.1, 16.7-7.4, 2.0-2.7; 35.9-63.7, 30.7-40.1 in the pasture region respectively; 24.7-45.6, 6.9-10.7, 15.5-7.0, 2.6-2.1; 33.6-68.6; 31.5-44.7; In the pasture region respectively; 26.4.-40.8, 8.4-9.5, 16.1-7.5, 2.5-2.7; 35.8-59.5, 29.6-39.8 were determined between the values. In all pasture regions, KM, NDF and ADF levels increased significantly (P<0.01), while CP levels decreased significantly (P<0.01). In March, April, May and June periods, the average of DM, CA, CP, CF, NDF and ADF levels of four different pasture regions were 26.6.-43.5, 7.9-9.5, 16.4-7.5, 2.3- 04.02; 35.4-433 and 29.8-41.3. Compared to the periods, mean DM, NDF and ADF levels increased while HP levels decreased.


Crude nutrient content, Natural pastures, forage


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