Ethnopharmacological Study of Anti-Inflammatory Plants from the Markets of Man, Cote d,Ivoire
TA Bi Irie Honore , AKE Claude Bernard , NGUESSAN Koffi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 85-93 | Views: 276 | Downloads: 90 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5150040
In the search for plants that can fight against inflammatory; we have launched an ethnopharmacological survey on the markets of Man city in Côte d’Ivoire. Three markets in the city were visited for this purpose: big market, market of Gbapleu and that of Zélé. This choice is justified by an impressive number of medicinal plants sellers in these markets. The survey interviewed 73 herbalists based on an questionnaire sheet. These investigations revealed 20 species of plant used in traditional medicine, in the treatment of inflammation. They are administrated by decoction-way as a drink and by anal route. In comparison with the calculated frequency of citations, two plants specie look important. They are: Alchornea cordifolia (Fc = 7.49%) and Rauvolfia vomitoria (Fc = 8.01%). All vendors of medicinal plants specie know them. In addition, a phytochemical screening was performed to assess the scientific basis of the empirical use of these two most common plants. The tests revealed that these plants contain sterols, polyterpenes, polyphenols, flavonoids, saponosides and alkaloids. So, maybe anti-inflammatory effect could be linkable to the presence of these chemical groups. Then, these two plants specie could be of scientific interest for the fight against inflammatory diseases
Plants, Ethnopharmacology, Inflammation, Man, Côte d’Ivoire
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