Effect Of Adding A Commercial Broiler Feed Premix On Lipid Metabolism, Abdominal Fat Deposition, And Body Temperature


Choudar Nedjma , Abdeldjelil M. Cherif ,

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Volume 5 - June 2021 (06)


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of increasing the levels of a commercial vitamin premix calfostonic® on lipid metabolism, glycemia and body temperature in broilers. A total of one hundred thirty chicks (ISA15 strain) were randomly assigned to three experimental groups: birds of Vita ++ group, were treated with an increased dose of calfostonic® during their grower period (between day 15 and day 47); birds of Vita + group were treated with an increased dose of calfostonic® during their finisher period (between day 40 and day 47). The control group was treated with another commercial vitamin premix:  chicktonic®. As recommended by the manufacturer, calfostonic® was incorporated directly in the birds feed, while chicktonic® was used in the birds drinking water. On day 49, blood samples were taken in order to determine triglycerides, total cholesterol and blood sugar serum levels. At slaughter (day 50), abdominal fat and liver weights were recorded. Increasing the vitamin premix doses, starting from the grower period,  reduced abdominal fat (15.18 g vs 35.33 g in Vita + group and 27g in control group) and blood sugar levels  (2.34 g / l vs 2 , 30g / l in Vita + and 2.54g / l in control group). Increasing the vitamin premix doses, starting from the finisher period (Vita + group), gave the highest cholesterol level (1.71g / l vs 1, 32g / l in Vita ++ group and 1.05g / l in control group). Monitoring body temperature variations in Vita++ birds, showed the effect of calfostonic® on body temperature, with an increase in body temperature each time the dose was increased (between day 30 and day 42). On day 48, when the treatment with vitamins was stopped, body temperature decreased again.


blood parameters, body temperature, feed premix, broiler chickens.


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