Geminivirus and Plant Resistance in Molecular Perspective


Ifan Aulia Candra ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 103-109 | Views: 407 | Downloads: 109 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5150048

Volume 5 - June 2021 (06)


Geminivirus is a broad spectrum phytopathogen with increasing severity and incidence in the last two decades. From a molecular perspective, this virus has 5 - 7 important proteins which function as a regulator of transport, transmission, replication, encapsulation and pathogenicity. The urgency of understanding the molecular mechanisms at which the virus infects is in determining which substances are involved in the penetration of the host cell. Understanding these mechanisms can assist in developing analytical strategies to increase plant resistance. A clear interaction is seen between geminivirus with several proteins involved in resistance and apoptosis and is classified into the Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) mechanism. This resistance system gives the plant the ability to respond to infection by various pathogens that attack it through substantive interactions that occur. Interactions can be analyzed in-vitro (EMSA, Yeast 2 Hybrid / Y2H etc.) and In-silico. The two editors support each other so as to produce a flow of molecular interactions of the proteins involved. This paper will explain about geminivurus and its interaction with SAR through a molecular perspective.


Geminivirus, Molecular Interaction, Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR)


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