Development of High Energy Cereal and Nut Granola Bar


Dr. Asif Ahmad` , Uroosa Irfan , Rai Muhammad Amir , Kashif Sarfraz Abbasi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 13-20 | Views: 1473 | Downloads: 527 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2574522

Volume 1 - October 2017 (10)


Granola is the nutritious product prepared with a different level of cereals, chickpeas, nuts, and raisins because they are the valuable source of protein and can be used as a complementary protein source of each other. The products were analyzed for nutritional quality, texture, and sensory attributes. Moisture content was same in all bars. The product is having a high concentration of oats, puffed rice, nuts and chickpea show maximum level of calories (421.88 kcal) with a high percentage of crude protein (12.51%), fat (10.4%), ash (1.51%), and crude fiber (3.45%) content. A significant amount of minerals was present in all the treatments especially magnesium. Formulation D with 15 % level of each ingredient like puffed rice, chickpea, nuts and oat flakes have a rich amount of protein and fats and is a good source of calories. Highest mean score regarding all sensory attributes was given to formulation D and C for their nutty and crunchy taste. To some extent, all these bars provide energy and basic nutrients to the consumer.


Cereal, Granola bar, Nutrition, Protein, Fat, Sensory evaluation 


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