Utilization of Sediment Activities of Straight-Net Craps as Organic Fertilizer Substitution Material, In Lake Tondano, Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province


Diane Joula Kusen , Jeannette Femmy Pangemanan , Sipriana Siana Tumembouw ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-08 | Views: 514 | Downloads: 178 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7027417

Volume 5 - December 2021 (12)


The purpose of this study was to determine the fish feed waste that causes pollution of the waters of Lake Tondano and to determine the nutrients contained in the sediment of Lake Tondano which can be used as organic fertilizer. Utilization of sediment from net cage cultivation activities as organic fertilizer to reduce pollution and prevent siltation. Cultivation activities of straight nets that take place continuously and an increase in the number of caged nets which do not pay attention to the sustainability of the sustainable environment of Lake Tondano, this affects the existence and function of Lake Tondano as a place to meet human needs. In the end, it has an impact on the economic income of the coastal community of Lake Tondano. Sources of data were obtained from questionnaires given to groups of existing farmers, besides the questionnaires, interviews were also conducted with farmers and government officials to obtain information about the impact of fish farming activities on the environment of Lake Tondano, more specifically on sediment accumulation in Lake Tondano. This research is one solution to minimize pollution in Lake Tondano so that Lake Tondano can be used according to its designation in the long term. The results showed that the Lake Tondano Sediment contains a lot of nutrients that can be used as organic fertilizer. Elements of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Calcium contained in the sediments of Lake Tondano. can be used as the basis for an organic fertilizer formula


Sediment, Organic Fertilizer, Lake Tondano.


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