Corn in the Conditions of Northern Kazakhstan


Marat Tynykulov ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 09-15 | Views: 315 | Downloads: 99 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6593058

Volume 5 - December 2021 (12)


Improvement of technology of cultivation of maize in The Northern Kazakhstan was based on the principles of soil-protective arable farming and harvesting silage was the main purpose.
The advanced technology with the use of early-maturing hybrids (FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) 150...199) on the basis of minimizing of the technological cycle has been developed in The North Kazakhstan Research Institute of Agriculture in the period from 1997 to 2015. The average output of absolutely dry substance for this period was 4.8 t/ha, that is 45.1% higher than in the previous period (1987-2008).
However, the advanced technology, based on the cultivation of the only silage crop (monoculture) can not exclude a sharp decrease of the yields in droughty years and in years when the summer is short and cool.
The silage conveyor as an alternative for monoculture of maize was substantiated by the selection of crops with different biological requirements for growth conditions. The yields of crops of the silage conveyor (sunflower - maize - sweet sorghum) was 5.14 t/ha (absolutely dry substance), that is 0.73 t/ha higher than the yields of monoculture of maize in the period from 2016 to 2019.


maize, silage, the cultivation technology, the Northern Kazakhstan


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