Effect of Prey Densities on the Biological Attributes and Predatory Efficiency of Harmonia Dimidiata (Fab.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Feed On Schizaphis. Graminum (Rond.) Aphid


Javed Khan , Ashraf Khan , Irfan Ahmad , Awais Rasool ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 74-86 | Views: 349 | Downloads: 78 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5734097

Volume 5 - October 2021 (10)


Research experiments were conducted on the biological attributes of ladybird beetle Harmonia dimidiata (Fab.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) at constant prey densities feed on Schizaphis gaminum aphid at constant temperature (24 ±1 °C) at Insect Pest Management Program, National Agricultural Research Centre Islamabad.
The effect of six constant prey densities of S. graminum aphid was investigated on development, weight, reproductive and predatory efficiency of larvae and adult female H. dimidiata. The prey density for larval and adult stages was different. The prey densities for larvae were 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 aphids/day and for adult female beetle the prey density include 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 and 240 aphids/ day. The larvae were maintained till pupation and adult female beetles were maintained from the time of eclosion till their death on constant prey densities. The duration of different larval instars were different at lower prey densities and as the densities increase the duration may become non-significant at higher densities. The pre-oviposition period was significantly different at lower densities and at lowest prey density, 40 aphids /day, the female beetles could not produce eggs, while at higher densities the pre-oviposition period was non-significant different. The oviposition period was also significantly different at lower densities while at higher densities 200 and 240 aphids/ day the oviposition period was non-significant different from each other. The female fecundity was lowest at lower densities and highest at prey density 200 aphids/ day. Once the asymptote level attain by the female beetle then further increase in prey density have non-significant effect on female fecundity. The functional response exhibited by first, second, third and fourth instar larvae exemplified type II with optimum response at a prey density of 40, 60, 80 and 100 aphids/ day respectively. Both the functional and the reproductive numerical response of female beetle showed the upper asymptote level at 200 aphids/ day.
The study highlight the importance of environmental regulation in mass rearing of ladybird beetle H. dimidiata for application as a biological control agent against economically important aphid pests of wheat crops in Pakistan.


Prey Densities, Biological Attributes, Predatory Efficiency


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