Effect of Traditional Rice-Straw Mulch on the Functional Biodiversity of Ground-Dwelling Arthropods in Tea Gardens


INAGAKI, Hidehiro , Saruta, Yuto , Yoto, Daiki ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 41-50 | Views: 354 | Downloads: 103 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6593218

Volume 5 - December 2021 (12)


In some tea gardens in Shizuoka prefecture, traditional rice-straw mulch is carried out for the purposes of 1) inputting organic substances, 2) preventing soil erosion, 3) retaining water and heat in the root area of tea plants, and 4) controlling weeds. The study was aimed to investigate effects of rice-straw mulch cultivation, traditionally used in Japan, on predators of pests and weed seeds in tea gardens. Carnivorous beetles (Pheropsophus jessoensis, Chlaenius naeviger, and Dolichus halensis), wolf spiders (Lycosidae sp.), earwigs (Anisolabididae sp.), centipedes ( Chilopoda sp.), and house centipedes (Scutigeromorpha sp.) were captured as examples of carnivorous ground-dwelling arthropods. The number of these carnivorous predators was lower in the tea gardens with rice-straw mulch than in those without rice-straw mulch. In contrast, herbivorous ground beetles (Amara sp. and Harpalinae sp.) and crickets were captured as examples of weed-seed predators. In addition, many millipedes and woodlice, known to prey on weed seeds, were captured. In particular, a large number of woodlice were present regardless of the presence or absence of rice straw. Furthermore, the number of crickets was higher in tea gardens with rice-straw mulch than in those without rice-straw mulch. In contrast, members of the Harpalinae (ground beetles), which are also weed-seed predators, are less abundant in tea gardens with rice-straw mulch than in tea gardens without rice straw. In general, the bedding straw mulch served as a hideout and feeding ground for living organisms, and it would be expected that the functional organisms would increase. However, in this study, the pest and weed-seed predators tended to be less common in tea gardens with rice-straw mulch. Thus, traditional rice-straw mulching was not effective in improving functional biodiversity.


functional biodiversity, functional ground-dwelling arthropods, tea gardens, rice-straw mulch, traditional ecological knowledge


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