Elimination of Cassava Mosaic Disease Virus by Thermotherapy and Meristem Culture in Cote D-ivoire


DJAHA Konan Engueran , DOUBI Bi Tra Serges , ABO Kouabenan , KONE Mongomaké ,

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Volume 6 - February 2022 (02)


Grown in Côte d'Ivoire by smallholders, cassava takes great part of food security and poverty decreasing. Cassava is most important crops in climate change context. Cultivation is done with cuttings derived from local varieties. Unfortunately, these cuttings are susceptible to cassava mosaic disease which is transfer from one crop to another one. Infected cassava plants produce low yields and tubers are bad quality. The aim of this paper is to evaluate performance of thermotherapy engineering associated with meristem culture for cassava cuttings sanitation. Ten cultivars of cassava were used. Fifteen cuttings of each cultivar were collected and subjected to a temperature varying from 32 to 39°C under a photoperiod of 16/8h and evaluated after three weeks. Thermotherapy associated with meristem culture was used to treat variety Yacé. The results obtained showed that thermotherapy allowed a cleaning of cassava cuttings at percentages ranging from 6 to 33%. In addition, thermotherapy and meristem culture of cultivar Yacé allowed to obtain a percentage of sanitation of 92 %.


Cassava - Côte d’Ivoire - Meristem culture - Sanitation - Thermotherapy


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