Effects of Storage on Fatty Acids Composition and Chemical properties of Sudanese Baobab (Adansonia Digitata L.) Seed Oil in Kordofan and Blue Nile states


Alia Mutatis Ali Ibrahim , Kamal Eldin Eltayeb Yassien ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 68-77 | Views: 356 | Downloads: 96 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6593234

Volume 5 - December 2021 (12)


Coordinating attempts to turning waste into wealth, and the search for alternative nutrition sources. Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) seeds are one of the most abundant seeds in Africa. Most of the previous studies on Sudanese Baobab properties have been execute isolation from each other, which making difficult to compare obtained results through different types. The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of storage on fatty acids composition and Chemical properties of Sudanese Baobab seed oil grown in Kordofan and Blue Nile states for three years (2017-2018-2019), in order to evaluate relationship between the geographical region and storage period. Baobab seeds oil have been analyzed using gas chromatography (GC-MS). Obtained results showed that oil content and saponification value were decreased with storage, while iodine, acid and peroxide value were increased when the storage period increased. Baobab oil contain the three major fatty acids oleic, linoleic and palmitic acid. The highest rates of tricosylic acid 81.19% was found in Blue Nile seed oil, while Kordofan oil was rich in docosadienoic acid 73.45%. Poly and monounsaturated fatty acids were found higher than saturated fatty acids. Fatty acid of Baobab oil showed significant verities under the same storage conditions and over the different geographical location. However, evident variation on chemical properties and fatty acid profiles composition according to seeds oil types, they are significantly impact by soil, storage and climate conditions. It is therefore recommended to make advance comparison of more types of Baobab seeds.


Baobab oil, Adansonia digitata, storage, fatty acid.


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