Customer response Analysis in Potato Value Addition: A Success story of Shikarpur Sindh-Pakistan


Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh , Haroon Hullio , Dr.Sultan Ahmed Maitlo ,

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Volume 3 - April 2019 (04)


The study carries out in Khanpur District Shikarpur. This survey was conducted using a questionnaire, where 40 household heads and 200 customers were sampled and interviewed, the main Objectives of study was to analyse the response of the in Potato Value Addition: A Success story of Shikarpur Sindh.  A structural questionnaire was developed for the reliability and validity of data.   Farmers were given training at WADO office Khanpur for how to make Potato Powder, Potato Kheer, and Potato chips. It was revealed that Potato value added products training was given to the 50 farmers female/male at Shikarpur. 


customer Response, Potato Value addition


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