The Improvement of Selected Soil Chemical Properties Using Singapore Daisy Based Compost in Ultisols


Zainal Muktamar , Nanik Setyowati , Eka Wiyanti ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 41-48 | Views: 347 | Downloads: 116 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6596782

Volume 6 - February 2022 (02)


An acid soil such as Ultisols is the potential for the improvement of crop productivity by the application of organic fertilizer. This research aimed to compare selected chemical properties of Ultisols as affected by Singapore daisy compost at a different time of application. The study took place at the Screen House in Pasar Melintang Village, City of Bengkulu, Indonesia, 14 m above sea level, assigning Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. The factors were Singapore daisy compost time of application, including one week before planting (WBP), 2 WBP, and at planting (AP), and the rate of the compost ranging from 0 to 10, 20, and 30 tons/ha. The application of Singapore daisy compost two weeks before planting exhibited the highest total soil nitrogen of Ultisols. The Singapore daisy compost at rates of 20-30 tons/ha significantly increased the chemical properties of Ultisols.


compost, soil properties, Ultisol, Wedelia trilobata


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