Marketing issues with Tomato and Onion Value addition: A Case study of Shikarpur District


Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh , Dr.Sultan Ahmed Maitlo , Dr.Javed Shabbir Dar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 04-09 | Views: 992 | Downloads: 364 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483331

Volume 3 - April 2019 (04)


Value addition in agriculture predominantly offers a means to increase, rejuvenate and stabilize farm income. The study carries out in Madhiji District Shikarpur. This survey was conducted using a questionnaire, where 60 household heads and 300 customers were sampled and interviewed, the main Objectives of study was to Specifically, this study focused on the impact of training provided to farmers on their perceived knowledge, acquisition of skills and adoption level of value added practices. Customer response analysis of  tomato and onion Value Addition in Madhiji Shikarpur Sindh.  A structural questionnaire was developed for the reliability and validity of data. The study recommends the policy should emphasize: increasing agricultural and post-harvest knowledge content in formal education, developing and manifesting a positive attitude and improving skills of potential producers, as well as improving producer’s access to resources


Marketing issues, Tomato and Onion Value addition


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