Jamsari Publications

In Vitro Interaction between Geminivirus Replicase Protein and the Npr1 Gene Promoter from Chilli Pepper (c

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3519691

Author(s): Jamsari , Ifan Aulia Candra , Maythesya Oktavioni , Yesi Marlinda , Bastian Nova , Irfan Suliansyah , Tuti Handayani ,

Pages: 01-08 Views: 1330 Downloads: 381

Cattle Production System and Breeding Practices in Bena-Tsemay District of South Omo, South-Western Ethiopia

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5150074

Author(s): Denbe Hidosa , Nebiyu Yemane , Zelalem Adane ,

Pages: 142-159 Views: 293 Downloads: 97