Mable Mudenda Publications

Evaluation of a Landrace Potato Kumdi Performance and Attributed Traits Across Three Different Agro-Ecological Zones in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6596735

Author(s): Jonah Anton , Rodney Aku , Mauro Okrupa , Kud Sitango , Birte Komolong ,

Pages: 17-28 Views: 400 Downloads: 137

Incidence of Mycotoxin Contamination along the Maize Value Chain in Lusaka Province of Zambia

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484487

Author(s): Mweshi Mukanga , Mathias Tembo , Mable Mudenda ,

Pages: 69-77 Views: 744 Downloads: 207