La Ode Sahara Publications
Utilization of Sediment Activities of Straight-Net Craps as Organic Fertilizer Substitution Material, In Lake Tondano, Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7027417
Author(s): Diane Joula Kusen , Jeannette Femmy Pangemanan , Sipriana Siana Tumembouw ,
Pages: 01-08 Views: 504 Downloads: 178
Beef Cattle Development Policy at Food Crop Producer Centers: Case Study in Gorontalo Regency
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3519707
Author(s): La Ode Sahara , Zaenal Fanani , Bambang Ali Nugroho , Irfan H. Djunaidi ,
Pages: 61-68 Views: 684 Downloads: 211