Ni Nyoman Sri Wintari Publications

Resistance of Fishing Ship That Based On Bitung Coastal Area

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7689080

Author(s): Ni Nyoman Sri Wintari , Vivanda O. J. Modaso , Heffry V. Dien ,

Pages: 01-09 Views: 264 Downloads: 84

Comparative Effects of Bacillus Probiotic and Antibiotic on the Growth Performance of Indigenous Aseel Chickens

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7035891

Author(s): Mustafa, M. Z , Zia-Ud-Din , Aftab, M. N , Kakar, N. H , Zafar, A , Iqbal, I , Ahmad, I , Patching, S. G , Khan, M. A , Asmat, T. M , Shafee, M , Rafeeq, M. ,

Pages: 37-45 Views: 228 Downloads: 72

Identification and Analysis of Forest Functions/Trees in Reducing Wind Speed on Forests Around Unima as a Explorative Learning Reference

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3710765

Author(s): Ni Nyoman Sri Wintari , Meike Paat , Ni Wayan Suriani , Alfrits Komansilan ,

Pages: 39-47 Views: 608 Downloads: 198