Effect of Fortification of Collagen Extract from Chicken Feet Skin Fermented by L.Plantarum on the Properties of Beef Meatballs


Muhammad Irfan Said , Effendi Abustam , Farida Nur Yuliati , Endah Murpi Ningrum , Trisusanti ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 60-67 | Views: 289 | Downloads: 88 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5515338

Volume 5 - August 2021 (08)


One of the efforts to improve the properties of meatballs is to add certain ingredients. Collagen extract which is a derivative product of protein is thought to improve the properties of beef meatballs. The properties of collagen extract as an additive can be enriched by fermentation using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) such as Lactobacillus plantarum (L.plantarum). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of fortification of collagen extract of chicken feet skin fermented by L. plantarum bacteria on the properties of beef meatballs. The main ingredients use Balinese beef. Collagen extract is derived from the extraction of the skin of broiler chicken feet fermented using L.plantarum bacteria.  A total of 6 treatment combinations were applied in this study, namely fortification of collagen extract: M1 = without fermentation Vs 2%); M2 = without fermentation vs 4%); M3 = without fermentation Vs 6%; M4 = fermented by L.Plantarum Vs 2%; M5 = fermented by L.Plantarum Vs 4%; M6 = fermented by L.Plantarum Vs 6%. The results showed that there was no effect on pH, cooking loss, water holding capacity and consumer perceptions of beef meatball products using collagen extract from chicken feet skin (CFS), both fermented using L.Plantarum and without fermentation using L.Plantarum. Likewise, differences in the level of use of collagen extract did not have an effect on the properties (pH, cooking loss, water holding capacity and preference) of beef meatball products. In the case of fortification of beef meatballs using collagen extract, there is no need for bacterial fermentation of L. Plantarum as an efficiency option with a minimum level of 2% (M1 treatment).


Meatball; beef, collagen; chicken feet skin (CFS); L.plantarum


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