Dr. Asif Ahmad` Publications

Effects of Irrigation on Cotton Genotypes in the Arid Environment of Dera Ismail Khan

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484471

Author(s): Niamat Ullah Khan , Sami Ullah , Farkhanda Khan , Imran Ullah , Muhammad Arshad Farooq , Tehseen Ali Jilani , Asif Latif , Muhammad Haroon Rasheed ,

Pages: 01-14 Views: 1001 Downloads: 370

Nutritional And Economical Evaluation of Two Systems (UMA) Of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) In Captivity

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4625371

Author(s): Jose Antonio Martinez Garcia , Fernando Plata Perez , German Mendoza Martinez , Diana Patricia Urbina Flores , Carlos Gomez Medina , Oscar Agustin Villarreal Espino Barros ,

Pages: 01-07 Views: 572 Downloads: 211

Changes in the Structure of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Communities and Identification of Persistent and Indicator Species in Soils of Different Cassava (Manihot Esculanta-Crantz) Growing Areas in Cote d-Ivoire

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5733960

Author(s): VOKO Bi Rosin Don-Rodrigue , OUINA Toualy Serge Tanguy , KOUADIO Aka Niangoran Marie-Stéphanie , KONATE Ibrahim ,

Pages: 01-17 Views: 381 Downloads: 132

Biodiversity Assessment of Corals Species Present in Mangrove Ecosystems of Silo-Siloan Islet, Clarin, Bohol

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613525

Author(s): Margie P. Vito , Ramil Bulilan , Jemma Lucitte Cabrillos , Romar Dinoy , Kindy Juanich , Blandina Ombajin , Nestor Balicoco , Rosalinda Bautista ,

Pages: 16-21 Views: 1008 Downloads: 313

Natural Product Trial to Reduce Herbicide Stress: Zingerone

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5145961

Author(s): Huseyin BULUT , Nalan YILDIRIM DOgAN ,

Pages: 14-26 Views: 350 Downloads: 100

Agricultural Occupation Inheritance of Farmer in Nong Sam Wang, Nong Suae District, Pathum Thani Province

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7818605

Author(s): Sayam Aroonsrimorakot , Voraporn Sangnate ,

Pages: 10-16 Views: 262 Downloads: 89

Development of High Energy Cereal and Nut Granola Bar

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2574522

Author(s): Dr. Asif Ahmad` , Uroosa Irfan , Rai Muhammad Amir , Kashif Sarfraz Abbasi ,

Pages: 13-20 Views: 1473 Downloads: 527

Response of Maize (Zea mays L.) to soil conditioning and moisture regimes in arid environment of Dera Ismail Khan

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484245

Author(s): Niamat Ullah Khan , Sami Ullah , Farkhanda Khan , Imran Ullah ,

Pages: 15-26 Views: 1556 Downloads: 349

Genetic diversity of Elephantopus mollis H.B.K. and Elephantopus scaber L. based on DNA barcodes

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4040905

Author(s): Do Tan Khang , Nguyen Thi Thuy Nhien , Tran Gia Huy , Phung Thi Hang , Nguyen Trong Hong Phuc ,

Pages: 24-32 Views: 670 Downloads: 191

Raw Materials Quality and Additional Value of Central Sulawesi Cocoa Agroindustry in Rumah Coklat Palu, Indonesia

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4625377

Author(s): Marliyah , Budi Setiawan , Alam Anshary , Asriani , Made Antara ,

Pages: 26-36 Views: 474 Downloads: 154

Impact of Nitrogen Application on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Growth Stages and Yield

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2576718

Author(s): Muhammad Roman , Abdul Rehman Saeed , Hamza Arghman Noushahi , Muhammad Ali , Shahbaz Ali , Muhammad Yaseen ,

Pages: 31-34 Views: 1295 Downloads: 462

Impact of NPS fertilizer on the yield and yield components of Common Bean varieties in rainfed conditions of Pakistan

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483335

Author(s): Niamat Ullah Khan , Farkhanda Khan , Imran Ullah , Sami Ullah , Abdul Aziz Khakwani , Tehseen Ali Jilani , Abdur Rauf ,

Pages: 17-26 Views: 2838 Downloads: 841

Comparison of a Polyherbal Mixture with a Rumen-Protected Lysine on Lamb Growth, Protozoan Count and Blood Chemistry

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3986575

Author(s): Augusto Lizarazo Chaparro , Angelica Lorenzana Moreno , Maria de la Torre Hernandez , Fernando Plata Perez , German Mendoza Martinez ,

Pages: 32-39 Views: 883 Downloads: 239

Impact of a Polyherbal Mixture (Withania somnifera, Ocimum sanctum, Tinospora cordifolia and Emblica officinalis) on Lamb Growth and Ruminal Fermentation

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3986599

Author(s): German Mendoza Martinez , Nora Idolina Ortega Alvarez , Jose Antonio Martinez Garcia , Ricardo Barcena Gama , German Buendia Rodriguez ,

Pages: 40-46 Views: 809 Downloads: 227


Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483272

Author(s): Alexander MAKARENKO , Zinaida Klestova , Yugeniy SAMORODOV ,

Pages: 51-61 Views: 869 Downloads: 250

Zingiber Officianle Roscoe A Review: Botanical, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Aspects

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4286879

Author(s): Hafiz Ullah , Ishfaq Hameed , Khushnood Ur Rahman ,

Pages: 60-73 Views: 591 Downloads: 174

Control of Hyaloperonospora brassica by Certain Aqueous Plant Extracts in Adjara

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5150030

Author(s): Otar Shainidze , Shakro Kanchaveli , Guram Chkubadze , Nodar Beridze , Shota Lamparadze ,

Pages: 64-72 Views: 523 Downloads: 122

The Effect of Local Mycorrhiza Isolated and Fertilization on Zea Mays Plant Productivity under Greenhouse Condition

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4286897

Author(s): Mohammed Dawood Yahya Haroun , Alsamowal M.M , M. A. Hadad ,

Pages: 74-79 Views: 513 Downloads: 151

Evaluating of Salinity Tolerance and Aroma of Rice Lines at BC3F5 Generation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4625355

Author(s): Le Ha Phuong , Vu Anh Phap ,

Pages: 63-70 Views: 464 Downloads: 112

Analysis of Beef Cattle Breeder’s Food Consumption and Household Welfare During the COVID-19 Pandemic In Probolinggo Regency

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7689186

Author(s): Camal Adi Maskur , Muhammad N. Ihsan , Suyadi , Suprih B.S ,

Pages: 67-74 Views: 206 Downloads: 65

Antifungal effect of Ethanol Extracts 70% of Terminalia ivorensis and Terminalia superba on two phytopathogenic fungi

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4286932

Author(s): Coulibaly Kiyinlma , Soro Sibirina , Kone Keassemon Herve Cedessia , Zirihi Guede Noel ,

Pages: 91-98 Views: 520 Downloads: 149

The Role of Nitrogen-Levels and Foliar Fertilizer at Critical Stages for Inoculated Soybean Growth and Yield Improvement in Northern Savannah Zone Of Ghana

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613549

Author(s): Dorcas Tinuke Ezekiel-Adewoyin , Ewusi-Mensah Nana , Mathias Fosu , Clement Robert Abaidoo ,

Pages: 122-132 Views: 941 Downloads: 229

The concentration of Some Heavy Metals in the Water, Sediment, and Fish Muscles of Tilapia Fish in Two Different Natural Water Southern Iraq

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4286967

Author(s): Abdulkareem T. Yesser , Anaam M. Al-Taee ,

Pages: 127-133 Views: 514 Downloads: 125

Qualitative Identification and Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites Associated With Exotic Chickens (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) Slaughtered In Abakpa-Nike Market, Enugu South-East Nigeria

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3519717

Author(s): Kenneth Chika Agaba , Emmanuel Nnaemeka Uhuo ,

Pages: 100-107 Views: 623 Downloads: 208

Effects of untreated sewage on marine environment-A case study of Karachi

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4286989

Author(s): Dr. Asif Ali Abro , Dr. Naveed Wahid Awan , Dr. Muhammad Ali Pasha Panhwar ,

Pages: 147-157 Views: 398 Downloads: 135

Financial Analysis of Tapped Rubber Productivity and Tapped Rubber Wood Potency by Clone GT1 and Seedling in Sarolangun Subdistrict of Jambi, Indonesia

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4287013

Author(s): Ahyaudin , Budi Setiawan , Marlan Usmani Putra , Ice Anugrahsari ,

Pages: 172-180 Views: 425 Downloads: 135